House News April 2022

Kia Ora to all, we have reached the end of a very long term and we hope you all enjoy a well deserved break, and we look forward to more exciting adventures in term 2.

Evening quiet time

After feedback from parents and students regarding bedtime routines, we are now putting into place a ‘quiet time’ for the hostel, which begins each night at 8:30pm. At this time, the boarders are encouraged to move quietly while getting prepared for bed, to prevent distraction to others who may already be in bed and settling for sleep. If any student who still has free time wishes to make noise or converse, they are invited to use the dining hall until their own bedtime.

We would request that people who are returning later than this to the hostel for any reason be mindful of this, which includes late night drop offs from home or activities.

Inter-house competitions for Term 2

We have planned some great inter-house competitions this term. In week 4 we will be starting a "Master Chef" competition. Each week 6-8 students from either Buckner or Tedesco will be given a magic box of ingredients, the team will then have 90minutes to create a savoury and sweet dish. Every student will have their chance to participate over the 6 weeks of cooking. Each meal will be judged and there will be an overall winner announced at the end of this term.

New addition to the hostel

Some of you will be well aware that during this term we added a trampoline to the hostel for the students to enjoy, the students were very excited when they returned from school to see it outside the dining room and it has had plenty of use. 

The students have been asked to please respect it and act appropriately when using it, while we will take every precaution to ensure the safety of the students they are using it at their own risk.