House News May 2022

Winter Warmers

With the cold weather closing in, now would be a great time to make sure that your child is well stocked with warmer clothing for when they are out and about. We will be encouraging all boarders to wear weather appropriate clothing when off hostel grounds, in an effort to keep those winter bugs at bay. Highly recommended items to have at hand are: raincoats, jackets, hats, scarves, long sleeved tops, long trousers, woollen socks, and closed shoes.

Medication procedure

A reminder to all parents and boarders around our procedure when bringing in medicines to the hostel. Boarders are not to have medicines in their rooms, this includes paracetamol and ibuprofen. These will be kept in a locked cupboard at the office, which can be accessed by a supervisor at any time on request as needed. Regular medications need to have the named label on the box, and casual medicine (if not named) will be labelled by staff for each boarder. Unboxed medications cannot be accepted by the hostel for dispensing, so please make sure not to remove tab sheets from their packaging when bringing these in.

We have these guides in place for the safety of the boarders, so that proper usage can be monitored, and we know there are not adverse reactions to anything else that we may give them (ie – food or cough syrup).

Student Activity

Our activity coordinator will continue to run an activity for the students each Thursday evening and when possible on a Saturday or Sunday for the students who stay in. We would like to encourage any student or parent to put forward any recommendations for these events. Currently he has run sports games on the hostel field, a treasure hunt and quiz.